Who We Are

It was August 19, 2002 when a group of Croton citizens, sharing an interest in local history, gathered for an initial meeting. The purpose was to explore possible ways of drawing on a rich lode of historical knowledge, scholarship and folklore existing in the area. We were aware that a large number of thoughtful, committed people, involved in a rich variety of historical subjects, lived throughout northern Westchester County and the New York City metropolitan area. Some belonged to organized groups while others pursued their fields of interest on their own through research, reading and travel. Some wrote about their findings and some simply discussed them with others. We wanted to find a way to pull these varied groups and individuals together. Since many of us were on the same path and in agreement about what was needed, we decided to form a new coalition that would serve as a clearing house for historical topics. It was also important to us that this new coalition be progressive and open to evolve and grow.
And so Croton Friends of History was born. That first meeting included Lyn Roessler, Lincoln Diamant, Portia Clark, Robert Scott, Laura Lee Keating, Susan Lane, Irene Miller, John Pardon, Elaine Gluck, Annette Birnbaum and Edward Rondthaler, all of whom gave us a huge dose of motivation and guidance.
Mission Statement
On July 26, 2006 Croton Friends of History was granted a certificate of incorporation as a not-for-profit organization by the State of New York Department of Education. Our stated purpose is to encourage the sharing of interest in broad historical topics through lectures, discussions and newsletters and to bring together all those who value our heritage by bridging the past, enriching the present, and planning intelligently for the future.